Every single day I talk to people who are unaware of what immigrants need to know.
Here are some practical tips:
- Airports are dangerous. Here’s what immigrants need to know. Many visa overstays or other undocumented immigrants are caught by Immigration at airports. Why? Simply traveling to airports – to drop off or pick up a family member – may result in a chance meet with Customs and Border Protection.
- Government buildings are equally risky places to enter for immigrants. Again, another scenario illustrating what immigrants need to know: A few years ago, a paperless immigrant volunteered to translate at a green card interview. Rather than simply doing the interview, the Immigration officer inquired as to the interpreter’s status. When it was discovered that he had no green card, a phone call was placed to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE commenced a removal case. The case began, despite the man being the father of a member of the United States military.
- Here’s what immigrants need to know about driving. It is obviously one of the most necessary things for millions of people. Unfortunately driving can expose immigrants to police stops and/or encounters with Immigration.
- Green Card Denials do not always result in deportation even when scary language “demanding“ you leave is printed in the denial. However anyone who receives a notice such as this document with its frightening words should immediately call an immigration firm with several lawyers highly experienced in these complicated issues.
- And here’s what immigrants need to know if they are Green Card Holders who renew expiring cards. They may face numerous problems such as:
- old crimes coming back to haunt them;
- alleged fraudulent behavior in the past; and
- a recent trend: United States Immigration and Citizenship Services has started to deny green card renewals based on findings that the original green card was issued in error, even if the alleged mistake occurred ten, twenty or even thirty years ago
- Non green card holders, whether we are talking about immigrants with valid visas, or the undocumented, are often exposed to risks of hassles with Immigration. These problems can result from the most arbitrary questions being asked by aggressive law enforcement agents. STAY AWAY FROM BORDERS. Even 100 miles away:
So, think carefully about what immigrants need to know.
The United States is the greatest country in the world.
But immigrants’ rights are not always protected.
Deportation risks run very high these days.