Your Immigration Medical Exam (I-693): A Step by Step Guide for Success

Your Immigration Medical Exam (I-693): A Step by Step Guide for Success

Whether your green card application is based on family, employment, visa lottery, political asylum or any other means, everyone must file a completed Green Card, or Immigration Medical Exam ( also known as an I-693, I693, or I 693 form) before approval. If you want to get a green card “fast” (and of course that term is relative) you need a properly completed green card medical exam.

Getting a Green Card Through Marriage or Family – I-601A Provisional Waiver

Getting a Green Card Through Marriage or Family – I-601A Provisional Waiver

Since 2016, more undocumented immigrants are able to get their green cards through marriage than ever before. The expanded I-601A waiver means that many applicants who previously could not qualify now have this route open to them. Before 2016 only adult (over age 21) children or spouses of US citizens could apply. Since then it has opened up to include:  spouses and adult children of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents.

T Visa: Everything You Have To Know for T Visa in 2020

T Visa: Everything You Have To Know for T Visa in 2020

Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery, in which immigrants are brought into a country for forced labor or sexual exploitation.  The United States is considered one of the top three worst human trafficking countries in the world along with Mexico and the Philippines. It is estimated that 18-20,000 victims are trafficked in the US every year. Human trafficking is defined as involuntary servitude, slavery or practices similar to slavery, debt bondage, or forced labor. Human trafficking was made a federal crime in the US in 2000. At that point, the  T Visa was created as a part of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act.

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