What Is DACA and Why Should You Care?

What Is DACA and Why Should You Care?

In the summer of 2012, following 2 years of protest and grassroots advocacy by affected youth (“Dreamers”), not to mention the prospect of his getting reelected, President Barack Obama announced an executive action of DACA on June 15, 2012. DACA pushed young people — previously attending school and working in the shadows — forward, to ensure that they could get some kind of protection under the law.

Same Sex Marriage Immigration in 2023– America vs the World

Same Sex Marriage Immigration in 2023– America vs the World

In honor of gay pride month, I wanted to celebrate the fact that five years ago the United States chose to join the group of (now close to 30) nations that have legalized same sex marriage. Same sex marriage was legalized in the US  in the summer of 2013, and since then our firm has helped many same-sex couples stay in the US by assisting in same sex marriage immigration.

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