Everything You Need To Know About Filipino TPS

Everything You Need To Know About Filipino TPS

Many Filipino associations and American politicians have requested that the President designate Filipinos for TPS. It really would be sensible and humane to set Temporary Protected Status for nationals of the Philippines much like Haitians given TPS after the terrible earthquake there. Immigrants receiving TPS are few and far between.

Immigration Policy: 4 Things You Need To Know

Immigration Policy: 4 Things You Need To Know

Gandhi was once famously asked if he was a Hindu. His answer: “Yes I am. I am also a Christian, a Muslim, a Buddhist and a Jew.” This perspective is very important when representing immigrants. As lawyers who help immigrants, we must look at all of our clients with truly global perspective. Here are four essential points that you must remember in reviewing immigration policy…

Immigration Lawyers Who Listen to Your Problems

Immigration Lawyers Who Listen to Your Problems

So as a year ends and a New Year begins, I commence with writing about law inspired by our friends in the medical field. These thoughts are shared, despite the unfortunate reality that some physicians, as a general rule, dislike attorneys. So be it, for the moment. This is a blog post about how to practice immigration law a new way. “New” does not mean “wimpy.” Quite the opposite. Immigration Lawyers Who Listen to Your Problems are stronger than ever before by taking a greater interest in our clients’ lives.

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