Executive Action: 10 Things You Must Know
President Obama’s November 20, 2014 Executive Action Announcement Brought with It Ten Main Points
President Obama’s November 20, 2014 Executive Action Announcement Brought with It Ten Main Points
This is an information video on 601A Immigration Waivers. As of March of 2013, anyone who is married to a U.S. citizen, but does not have legal status, potentially qualifies for this new 601A waiver. This recent development has been put in place due to the potential for extreme hardship that losing a family member places on these families.
By now you may have heard that President Trump came out on Twitter saying that: “In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into…
I’m Harlan York. For almost 20 years I’ve been helping immigrants win cases. People come to me and every single day tell me, “thank you for sitting with me and listening, thank you for asking me questions that no other lawyer asks me.” I always tell people immigrants cases are like fingerprints, they’re like snowflakes. They are all different. A lawyer must take on each case individually case by case understand the details very carefully. spend time listening, spend time asking questions, make certain that the don’t forget anything. All those details are important for success. We take pride in our work. We take our clients lives very seriously we want to win, because this is not just a job, it’s not even just our career, it’s our lives.
Visa Refusals have long been a problem. The rights of the applicant are often ignored when a United States consular officer says “No Visa for YOU.” Frequently the visa refusals are arbitrary and no reason is announced at all. The applicant is turned away, usually with a one page denial letter that fails to explain the negative decision. Seeking a remedy for visa refusal in federal court is often difficult and tricky. This season of United States Supreme Court cases brings with it a very important matter. In the case of Kerry v. Din, the Supreme Court will address two issues surrounding visa refusals…