Immigration Reform – Why We Will Not Give Up

Immigration Reform – Why We Will Not Give Up

“White Americans. What? Nothin’ better to do? Why don’t you kick yourself out. You’re an immigrant too.” – Jack White. The above lyrics from the 2007 hit “Icky Thump” remind me of the oft-repeated notion that the only people who are not immigrants are the Native Americans. But then immigrants have always taken the scapegoat beating…

Political Asylum – 15 Things You Must Know

Political Asylum – 15 Things You Must Know

The United States has long offered protection to immigrants in the form of Political Asylum. This path to freedom may be given to immigrants who apply for political asylum within one year of entry into the United States, or those who face deportation in an Immigration Court hearing.

Who’s the Best Immigration Lawyer?

Who’s the Best Immigration Lawyer?

“We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough.” – Helen Keller. Helen Keller famously could not see or hear but she graduated from Radcliffe, the prestigious women’s college now part of Harvard.

“Parole in Place” for Immigrant Relatives of Military – What To Know

“Parole in Place” for Immigrant Relatives of Military – What To Know

On November 15, 2013, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services issued a very important Policy Memorandum. This new Immigration rule is based on existing law. It will give legal status to immigrant relatives of military. The Policy Memorandum will keep immigrant spouses, children and parents of active duty military – as well as immigrant relatives of military reserves, and veterans of the United States armed forces – all together.

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